Note: Bump mapping with non-diffuse materials does not work correctly, and smoothed normals will be flat when using a bump map.

  x = 0,
  y = 0,
  z = 0,
  polygon = NA,
  polygon_end = NA,
  breaks = NA,
  closed = FALSE,
  closed_smooth = TRUE,
  polygon_add_points = 0,
  twists = 0,
  texture_repeats = 1,
  straight = FALSE,
  precomputed_control_points = FALSE,
  width = 1,
  width_end = NA,
  width_ease = "spline",
  smooth_normals = FALSE,
  u_min = 0,
  u_max = 1,
  linear_step = FALSE,
  end_caps = c(TRUE, TRUE),
  material = diffuse(),
  material_caps = NA,
  angle = c(0, 0, 0),
  order_rotation = c(1, 2, 3),
  flipped = FALSE,
  scale = c(1, 1, 1)



Either a list of length-3 numeric vectors or 3-column matrix/data.frame specifying the x/y/z points that the path should go through.


Default `0`. x-coordinate offset for the path.


Default `0`. y-coordinate offset for the path.


Default `0`. z-coordinate offset for the path.


Defaults to a circle. A polygon with no holes, specified by a data.frame() parsable by `xy.coords()`. Vertices are taken as sequential rows. If the polygon isn't closed (the last vertex equal to the first), it will be closed automatically.


Defaults to `polygon`. If specified, the number of vertices should equal the to the number of vertices of the polygon set in `polygon`. Vertices are taken as sequential rows. If the polygon isn't closed (the last vertex equal to the first), it will be closed automatically.


Defaults to `20` times the number of control points in the bezier curve.


Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the path will be closed by smoothly connecting the first and last points, also ensuring the final polygon is aligned to the first.


Default `TRUE`. If `closed = TRUE`, this will ensure C2 (second derivative) continuity between the ends. If `closed = FALSE`, the curve will only have C1 (first derivative) continuity between the ends.


Default `0`. Positive integer specifying the number of points to fill in between polygon vertices. Higher numbers can give smoother results (especially when combined with `smooth_normals = TRUE`.


Default `0`. Number of twists in the polygon from one end to another.


Default `1`. Number of times to repeat the texture along the length of the path.


Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, straight lines will be used to connect the points instead of bezier curves.


Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, `points` argument will expect a list of control points calculated with the internal rayrender function `rayrender:::calculate_control_points()`.


Default `0.1`. Curve width. If `width_ease == "spline"`, `width` is specified in a format that can be read by `xy.coords()` (with `y` as the width), and the `x` coordinate is between `0` and `1`, this can also specify the exact positions along the curve for the corresponding width values. If a numeric vector, specifies the different values of the width evenly along the curve. If not a single value, `width_end` will be ignored.


Default `NA`. Width at end of path. Same as `width`, unless specified. Ignored if multiple width values specified in `width`.


Default `spline`. Ease function between width values. Other options: `linear`, `quad`, `cubic`, `exp`.


Default `FALSE`. Whether to smooth the normals of the polygon to remove sharp angles.


Default `0`. Minimum parametric coordinate for the path. If `closed = TRUE`, values greater than one will refer to the beginning of the loop (but the path will be generated as two objects).


Default `1`. Maximum parametric coordinate for the path. If `closed = TRUE`, values greater than one will refer to the beginning of the loop (but the path will be generated as two objects).


Default `FALSE`. Whether the polygon intervals should be set at linear intervals, rather than intervals based on the underlying bezier curve parameterization.


Default `c(TRUE, TRUE)`. Specifies whether to add an end cap to the beginning and end of a path.


Default diffuse. The material, called from one of the material functions.


Defaults to the same material set in `material`. Note: emissive objects may not currently function correctly when scaled.


Default `c(0, 0, 0)`. Angle of rotation around the x, y, and z axes, applied in the order specified in `order_rotation`.


Default `c(1, 2, 3)`. The order to apply the rotations, referring to "x", "y", and "z".


Default `FALSE`. Whether to flip the normals.


Default `c(1, 1, 1)`. Scale transformation in the x, y, and z directions. If this is a single value, number, the object will be scaled uniformly.


Single row of a tibble describing the cube in the scene.


if(run_documentation()) {
#Specify the points for the path to travel though and the ground material
points = list(c(0,0,1),c(-0.5,0,-1),c(0,1,-1),c(1,0.5,0),c(0.6,0.3,1))
ground_mat = material=diffuse(color="grey50",
                              checkercolor = "grey20",checkerperiod = 1.5)
if(run_documentation()) {
#Default path shape is a circle
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.25, 
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,0.5),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
#> Error: Expecting a single string value: [type=list; extent=1].
if(run_documentation()) {
#Change the width evenly along the tube
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.25, 
                           width_end = 0.5,
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,0.5),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
#> Error: Expecting a single string value: [type=list; extent=1].
if(run_documentation()) {
#Change the width along the full length of the tube
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, 
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,0.5),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
#> Error: Expecting a single string value: [type=list; extent=1].
if(run_documentation()) {
#Specify the exact parametric x positions for the width values:
custom_width = data.frame(x=c(0,0.2,0.5,0.8,1), y=c(0.25,0.5,0,0.5,0.25))
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, 
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,0.5),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
#> Error: Expecting a single string value: [type=list; extent=1].
if(run_documentation()) {
#Generate a star polygon
angles = seq(360,0,length.out=21)
xx = c(rep(c(1,0.75,0.5,0.75),5),1) * sinpi(angles/180)/4
yy = c(rep(c(1,0.75,0.5,0.75),5),1) * cospi(angles/180)/4
star_polygon = data.frame(x=xx,y=yy)

#Extrude a path using a star polygon
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.5, 
                           polygon = star_polygon,
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,1),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
#> Error: Expecting a single string value: [type=list; extent=1].
if(run_documentation()) {
#Specify a circle polygon
angles = seq(360,0,length.out=21)
xx = sinpi(angles/180)/4
yy = cospi(angles/180)/4
circ_polygon = data.frame(x=xx,y=yy)

#Transform from the circle polygon to the star polygon and change the end cap material
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.5, 
                           polygon=circ_polygon, polygon_end = star_polygon,
                           material_cap  = diffuse(color="white"),
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,0.5),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
#> Error: Expecting a single string value: [type=list; extent=1].
if(run_documentation()) {
#Add three and a half twists along the path, and make sure the breaks are evenly spaced
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.5, twists = 3.5,
                           polygon=star_polygon, linear_step = TRUE, breaks=360,
                           material_cap  = diffuse(color="white"),
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,0),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
#> Error: Expecting a single string value: [type=list; extent=1].
if(run_documentation()) {
#Smooth the normals for a less sharp appearance:
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.5, twists = 3.5,
                           linear_step = TRUE, breaks=360,
                           smooth_normals = TRUE,
                           material_cap  = diffuse(color="white"),
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,0),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
#> Error: Expecting a single string value: [type=list; extent=1].
if(run_documentation()) {
#Only generate part of the curve, specified by the u_min and u_max arguments
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.5, twists = 3.5,
                           u_min = 0.2, u_max = 0.8,
                           polygon=star_polygon, linear_step = TRUE, breaks=360,
                           material_cap  = diffuse(color="white"),
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,0),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
#> Error: Expecting a single string value: [type=list; extent=1].
if(run_documentation()) {
#Render a Mobius strip with 1.5 turns 
points = list(c(0,0,0),c(0.5,0.5,0),c(0,1,0),c(-0.5,0.5,0))
square_polygon = matrix(c(-1, -0.1, 0,
                           1, -0.1, 0,
                           1,  0.1, 0,
                          -1,  0.1, 0)/10, ncol=3,byrow = T)

               material=diffuse(color = "dodgerblue4", checkercolor = "#002a61",
                                checkerperiod = 1)) %>%
 add_object(extruded_path(points = points,  polygon=square_polygon, closed = TRUE,
                          linear_step = TRUE, twists = 1.5, breaks = 720, 
                          material = diffuse(noisecolor = "black", noise = 10, 
                                             noiseintensity = 10))) %>%
 add_object(sphere(y=20,x=0,z=21,material=light(intensity = 1000))) %>% 
 render_scene(lookat=c(0,0.5,0), fov=10, samples=128, sample_method = "sobol_blue",
              width = 800, height=800)
#> Error: Expecting a single string value: [type=list; extent=1].
if(run_documentation()) {
#Create a green glass tube with the dielectric priority interface
#and fill it with a purple neon tube light
                                            checkercolor = "grey20",checkerperiod = 1.5)) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.7, linear_step = TRUE, 
                           polygon = star_polygon, twists = 2, closed = TRUE,
                           polygon_end = star_polygon, breaks=500,
                           material=dielectric(priority = 1, refraction = 1.2, 
                                               attenuation_intensity=20))) %>% 
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.4, linear_step = TRUE,
                           polygon = star_polygon,twists = 2, closed = TRUE,
                           polygon_end = star_polygon, breaks=500,
                           material=dielectric(priority = 0,refraction = 1))) %>%  
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.05, closed = TRUE,
                           material=light(color="purple", intensity = 5,
                                          importance_sample = FALSE))) %>%
  add_object(sphere(y=10,z=-5,x=0,radius=5,material=light(color = "white",intensity = 5))) %>%
               width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
#> Error: Expecting a single string value: [type=list; extent=1].